The combined use of triacylglycerols containing medium-chain fatty acids and exogenous lipolytic enzymes as an alternative to in-feed antibiotics in piglets: concept, possibilities and limitations. An overview
作者:J. A. Decuypere and N. A. Dierick
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Ghent University, Proefhoevestraat 10, B-9090 MELLE, Belgium
来源:Nutrition Research Reviews (2003), 16, 193–209
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦



表4:通过插胃管喂食不同食物的仔猪的胃内容物中非酯化和总脂肪酸(FA)含量,总水解度(DH)和微生物群数(每次处理4头仔猪; Expt I)(Dierick等,2002b)

表5:日粮对断奶仔猪胃内容物中非酯化和总脂肪酸(FA)含量及总水解度(DH)的影响;对胃和十二指肠菌群的影响(每次处理5头仔猪)(Expt II)(Dierick等,2002b)

表6:日粮对早期断奶仔猪采食量、生长速度和饲料转化率(FCR)的影响*(A,n 68; B,n 61; C,n 60; D,n 55仔猪)(Expt II)(Dierick等.2002b) 
表7:饲喂萼距花属植物种子和脂肪酶对早期断奶仔猪(每次处理15头仔猪)的动物性能的影响(Expt III)(Dierick等.2003)

表8:饲喂萼距花属植物种子和脂肪酶对断奶仔猪近端小肠的平均绒毛高度(VH),隐窝深度(CD)(μm)和上皮绒毛细胞内淋巴细胞数(IEL)的影响(每个处理5头仔猪) (Expt III)(Dierick等.2003)

In the search for alternatives to banned in-feed antibiotics, a concept was developed based onstudies with medium-chain fatty acid-containing triacylglycerols (MCTAG) and selected lipases
for in situ generation of diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) in the stomach and proximal gut of piglets. MCFA are known to have strong antibacterial properties but can hardly be used as such because of their repellent odour and taste. Those problems could be overcome by the generation of MCFA in situ. The concept was tested in vitro and validated in vivo with gastric-cannulated piglets and under field conditions, including effectson zootechnical performance, with classical antibacterial growth promoters or organic acids acting as positive controls. Furthermore, the metabolic and dietary constraints on the nutritionaland nutritive use of MCTAG and/or MCFA (for example, the effects on digestive physiology,gut flora, feed intake, performance, carcass composition) are reviewed. The role of natural preduodenal lipase activity, the presence of endogenous plant lipase activity in raw materials and the feasibility for exogenous lipase addition to the feed are discussed, in order to optimize the concept. The present review illustrates the similarity of the action of MCFA and commonly used antimicrobials on the flora (total flora, Gram-positive flora, Gram-negative flora, potential pathogens) and epithelial morphology and histology in the foregut. These observations are believed to be the basis for obtaining optimal growth performances. In addition, these naturally
occurring antimicrobial agents have little or no human or animal toxicity and induce no problems of residues and cross-resistance induction. They are proposed as a valuable alternative to in-feed antibiotics, used for growth promotion, and even for the preventive and curative treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
Keywords:Animal feeds: Antimicrobials: Gut flora: Medium-chain fatty acids: Lipase
During the last decade a lot of research has been directed to the use of MCTAG in human and animal nutrition, especially for piglets. Almost no research has been focused, however, on their use as a potential source of antimicrobial compounds, when liberated in situ in the stomach and foregut by appropriate lipases
The present review illustrates similarly strong activity of MCFA and the classical antimicrobial growth promoters and therapeuticals on the gut flora (total flora, Gram-positive flora, Gram-negative flora, potential pathogens) especially in the stomach and the foregut, as well as on the gut function of piglets. This means that these naturally occurring antimicrobial agents, which have little or no toxicity, can be an effective alternative to in-feed antibiotics
A progressive enzymic release of MCFA, eventually combined with MCFA-containing monoacylglycerols from TAG, in situ in the foregut, seems to be preferable to the supplementation of the feed with non-esterified classical organic acids or non-esterified MCFA or their salts, avoiding taste aversion and disturbance of the acid–base balancein the animal
However, when applying this concept, the choice of feedstuffs and lipases should be done very carefully and needs further exploration
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