New Insights into the Utilization of Medium-Chain Triglycerides by the Neonate: Observations from a Piglet Model
作者:Jack Odle
Department of Animal Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695
来源:J. Nutr. 127: 1061–1067, 1997.
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦

图2:中链甘油三酯(MCT)的脂肪酸组成对仔猪血浆中链脂肪酸(MCFA)浓度的影响。将1日龄仔猪用含有C7至C10((图A,处理n = 7头猪,误差线表示SEM)或C5至C7(B组,每组处理6头猪;SEM适用于所有点)的非乳化MCT油进行胃内插管并开始计时。

图3:乳化和脂肪酸链长度影响1日龄仔猪对中链甘油三酯的利用。图A:以未乳化形式或以30%(v / v)水包油乳剂的14C标记的C6或C8甘油三脂喂食仔猪(0时)(处理4头仔猪;SEM适用于所有点)。图B:饲喂使用各种乳化剂制备的中链甘油三酯乳剂1小时后,小猪血浆中的C8:0和C10:0浓度(每次处理4只)。浓度以喂食未乳化甘油三酯的小猪中观察的百分比表示,误差线表示SEM。(改编自Odle等,1994年或Wieland等,1993a)


图5:新生仔猪分离的肝细胞中[1-14C]-中链脂肪酸的氧化产生[14C]代谢物的放射性-HPLC谱。图A1和A2:与放射性标记样品(A2)相比,标准物(A1)的正常分离相。图B1和B2:标准品(B1)和放射性标记样品(B2)的反分离相,假定乙酸酯为主要氧化产物(改编自Odle等人, 1995和Lin等人,1996年)

Because of their unique digestive and metabolic properties, medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) are used in a variety of nutritional settings, including use as a readily digestible energy source for the neonate. This review examines recent findings from our laboratory related to MCT digestion and metabolism that are drawn from a neonatal piglet model, but which may be clinically relevant to human infants. We have shown that MCT utilization improves rapidly with postnatal age (within 24 h), which is likely due to the ontogeny of pancreatic lipase. Additional data delineate the dramatic effects of emulsification and fatty acid chain length (within the medium-chain family) on utilization, with the suggestion that triacylhexanoate is utilized at the highest rate. Again, these effects are likely mediated via an increase in the kinetics of digestion rather than metabolism. Indeed, using both in vitro and in vivo radiotracer techniques, we were unable to detect metabolic differences among evenchain fatty acid homologues. However, studies with isolated hepatocytes have shown greater oxidation rates of odd-chain fatty acids compared with even-chain homologues, in part as a reult of the anaplerotic potential of propionyl-CoA arising from odd-carbon fatty acid oxidation. In vivo radiotracer studies also showed an improvement in octanoate oxidation to CO2, with a concomitant reduction in urinary dicarboxylic acid excretion when colostrum-deprived piglets were supplemented with L-carnitine. Further metabolic research led to the novel finding that piglets have a very limited hepatic capacity to synthesize ketone bodies, and that acetate may be a relatively important product of hepatic fatty acid oxidation in this species.
KEY WORDS: medium-chain;triglyceride fatty acid;metabolism carnitine;swine
In conclusion, medium-chain triglycerides possess many unique nutritional and metabolic characteristics that are useful in a variety of clinical nutrition settings. This review has presented
a focused summary of research from our laboratory which has utilized the neonatal piglet model to further examine MCT and MCFA metabolism by the neonate. Our findings suggest that among the MCFA homologues, hexanoate (C6:0) may be preferentially utilized, that odd-chain MCFA should be further explored as a supplemental fuel, that L-carnitine may prove beneficial for MCFA metabolism, and that the potential toxicity of MCT should not be ignored.Although the piglet possesses many digestive and metabolic similarities to humans (Moughan et al. 1992, Reeds and Odle 1996), the extrapolation of findings across species with known idiosyncra- sies (such as the deficit of ketogenesis in piglets) should be made with caution.
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