Medium-chain fatty acids as feed supplements for weaned piglets
来源:Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, National Research Institute of Animal Production,ul. Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦
饲食富马酸的仔猪比喂食中短链脂肪酸组和对照组的仔猪具有更高的肠绒毛(分别为302, 257 and 233 µm),但对增重没有影响。各组中挥发性脂肪酸的含量和肠道食糜的酸度也基本相似。

说明:预混料组成:维生素:A—2 700 000 IU,D3—400 000 IU;E—8g;K3—0.5g;B1—0.5g;B2—0.8g;B6—0.8g;B12—0.008g;泛酸—2.8g;氯化胆碱—70g;叶酸—0.2g;烟酸—5.0g;镁—10g;锰—12g;碘—0.1g;锌—30g;铁—20g;铜—32g;钴—0.06g;硒—0.04g;完整的石灰石—1000g

说明:a,b—意味着在同一行的不同字母的数值差异显著(P ≤0.05)
表3:小肠食糜中的微生物(Log10 CFU/1 g)

说明:a,b—意味着在同一行的不同字母的数值差异显著(P ≤0.05)

表5:仔猪回肠食糜中挥发性脂肪酸的含量(µmol/1 g)


The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of medium- and short-chain fatty acids (Selacid preparation) on piglets’ health, body weight gains, changes in intestinal microflora and intestinal wall morphology. The amount of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, yeasts and moulds, the acidity and the content of volatile fatty acids (VFA) of digesta were estimated. The effect of these acids was compared with the effect of the traditional acidifier i.e. fumaric acid. The experiment involved 183 piglets allocated to 3 experimental groups, 6 litters in each. Group I (control) was fed with the standard mixture with no supplement. Group II received the same mixture supplemented with 1.5% of fumaric acid and group III received feed mixture supplemented with 0.5% of the Selacid preparation. Experiment was completed at the 84th day of the piglets’ life.
Selacid improved the piglets’ body weight gains when compared to the control group (283 and 268 g, respectively) but this difference was not significant. Body weight gains of piglets receiving fumaric acid (269 g) did not differ from the control ones (268 g) . Selacid had a moderate antibacterial effect: it lowered the number of Clostridium in small intestine digesta by 33%. Fumaric acid significantly lowered the amount of Escherichia coli. Acids had no effect on yeast and mould population.
Piglets receiving fumaric acid had higher intestinal villi than those receiving Selacid and the control ones (302, 257 and 233 µm, respectively) but that had no effect on their body weight gains. The content of volatile fatty acids and the acidity of intestinal digesta were also similar in all groups.
It is concluded that medium- chain fatty acid contained in the Selacid preparation can improve piglets’ health and performance though this improvement is not related to changes in microflora or the structure of intestine mucosa in the scope of this research.
Keywords: medium-chain fatty acids, piglets’ performance, intestinal morphology, intestinal microflora
To recapitulate the results of the present experiment, it can be stated that medium-chain fatty acids contained in the Selacid feed preparation can improve piglets’ health and performance.
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