Emulsification and Fatty Acid Chain Length Affect the Kinetics of [14C]-Medium-Chain Triacylglycerol utilization by Neonatal Piglets1,2,3
*Department of Animal Sciences and Division of Nutritional Sciences
University of Illinois, urbana, IL 6180J
来源:J. Nutr. 124: 84-93,1994
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦
【摘要】己酸甘油酯(14C标记)或辛酸甘油酯(14C标记)分别饲喂1日龄小猪(1.4kg;每组4头),从而评估MCT在仔猪体内的氧化动力学。小猪置于35℃呼吸室并且安置动脉导管和口胃导管。饲喂等量(6.5 mmol/kg0.75)放射性物质标记的MCT(非乳化状态)或MCT制成30%的乳剂(聚氧乙烯脱水山梨糖醇油酸酯为其乳化剂)于这批小猪。在一天之内每隔20分钟记录小猪呼出的CO2的体积和特定放射性物质的数量(Bq/μmol),多次采集小猪血样,通过高效液相色谱法,分析小猪血浆的己酸和辛酸浓度。根据14CO2呼吸动力学可以计算出中链脂肪酸甘油酯氧化利用(由消化、吸收、氧化组成)的速率(mmolATP·kg-0.75·min-1)和程度 (mol ATP (mol ATP/kg0.75)。研究表明:在不考虑脂肪酸链长度的前提下,乳化状态能够增加仔猪对MCT的氧化利用和速率 > 20%(P<0.05)。MCT的最大氧化速率出现在饲喂3.5小时,能有效提供仔猪所需能量的48%。己酸甘油酯的最大氧化速率要超过辛酸甘油酯37%(P<0.05),但是利用程度并没有受到脂肪酸链长度的影响。血浆中链脂肪酸浓度与观察的一致,饲喂乳化MCT的仔猪要比未乳化MCT的仔猪浓度要高(P<0.05),饲喂己酸甘油酯要比辛酸甘油酯的高(P<0.05)。总的来说,这些数据证明了新生仔猪能够充分消化、吸收、氧化中链脂肪酸甘油酯,乳化状态下能够提高MCT的利用,仔猪对己酸甘油酯的利用要比辛酸甘油酯更好。
图1:特征1 放射-高效液相色谱图阐述了人工合成14C标记的己酸甘油酯和14C辛酸甘油酯与标准状态下放射性化学物质纯度的比较。如巴顿等(1990)描述的那样,样品从硅胶SI-100列(250mm×4mm;5-um微粒标准)并带有己烷/四氢呋喃/乙酸(1ml/min)中筛选出来。用一个在线β-流检测器检测放射性物质。

图2:特征2 乳化状态和中链脂肪酸甘油酯的脂肪酸组成对新生仔猪动脉血浆中链脂肪酸浓度(MCFA,mmol/L;己酸盐,辛酸盐)的影响。实验开始时,这批动物饲喂等量(6.5 mmol/kg0.75)14C标记的己酸甘油酯(乳化和非乳化状态各一半)和14C标记的辛酸甘油酯(乳化和非乳化状态各一半),其中乳化状态的MCT制成30%水包油型乳剂。误差线代表来自四到五个点的标准平均偏差。乳化状态,脂肪酸链长度,时间影响(P<0.01);乳化状态×脂肪酸链长度×时间作用变化(P<0.08)

图3:饲喂等量(6.5 mmol/kg0.75)14C标记的己酸甘油酯(乳化和非乳化状态各一半)和14C标记的辛酸甘油酯(乳化和非乳化状态各一半,26 kBq/mmol),其中乳化状态的MCT制成30%水包油型乳剂。在这之后一天时间内通过新生仔猪呼出的CO2计算呼气率(A)和特殊放射性物质(B)。误差线代表来自四到五个点的标准平均偏差。对CO2呼气率的影响:线性直线随着时间呈下降趋势(P<0.01),处理不受影响(P>0.1)。对CO2中特殊性放射物质的影响:乳化状态×时间作用变化(P<0.01),脂肪酸链长度×时间作用变化(P<0.01)。

图4:特征4 饲喂等量(6.5 mmol/kg0.75)14C标记的己酸甘油酯(乳化和非乳化状态各一半)和14C标记的辛酸甘油酯(乳化和非乳化状态各一半,26 kBq/mmol),其中乳化状态的MCT制成30%水包油型乳剂,根据此状况制作上述两种甘油酯氧化利用(消化,吸收,氧化)瞬时图像(A)和总过程图像(B)。误差线代表来自四到五个点的标准平均偏差,乳化状态×时间作用变化(A组和B组,P<0.01);脂肪酸链长度×时间的作用变化(A组和B组,P<0.01)。

表2:饲喂等量(6.5 mmol/kg0.75)14C标记的己酸甘油酯(乳化和非乳化状态各一半)和14C标记的辛酸甘油酯(乳化和非乳化状态各一半),之后测量小猪体内放射性物质的分布

In vivo oxidation kinetics of medium-chain triglycerides(MCT) composed of [l-14C] hexanoate (tri-6:0) or [l-14C]octanoate (tri-8:0) were compared after being fed to day-old piglets (1.4 kg; n = 4/treatment).Animals were fitted with arterial and oro-gastric catheters and placed into respiration chambers held at 35℃. The radiolabeled MCT were fed in equimolaramounts (6.5 mmol/kg0.75), in either nonemulsifiedform or as 30% (v/v) emulsions, using polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate as an emulsifier. Expired CO2 was quantified and specific radioactivity (Bq/μmol) determined at 20-min intervals over 24 h, and serial blood samples were drawn for measurement of plasma hexanoate and octanoate by HPLC. The rate [μmol/ (h·kg0.75)]and extent (mmol/kg0.75) of MCT oxidative utilization (i.e., composite of digestion, absorption and oxidation) were calculated from the kinetics of 14CO2 expiration. Emulsification increased both the rate and extent of MCT oxidative utilization by >20% regardless of fatty acid chain length (P < 0.05). Maximal MCT oxidation rates occurred at 3.5 h after feeding and were sufficient to meet up to 48% of the piglets' energy expenditure. The maximal rate of tri-6:0 oxidative utilization exceeded that of tri-8:0 by 37% (P < 0.05), but the extent of utilization was not affected by fatty acid chain length. Plasma medium-chain fatty acid concentrations were in agreement with these observations,being higher in pigs fed emulsified MCT than in pigs fed nonemulsified MCT (P < 0.05) and being higher in pigs fed tri-6:0 than in animals fed tri-8:0 (P < 0.05). Collectively, these data demonstrate that newborn piglets can effectively digest, absorb and oxidize MCT, that utilization is improved with emulsification, and that tri-6:0 is utilized more rapidly than tri-8:0.
In conclusion, newborn piglets have ample capacity to utilize (digest, absorb and oxidize) enterally administered MCT. Both the rate and extent of oxidative utilization are improved by emulsification,and the rate of tri-6:0 oxidative utilization exceeds that of tri-8:0. The increased rate of tri-6:0 oxidative utilization is likely due to a greater rate of digestion and/or absorption compared with tri-8:0, and thus MCT formulations enriched in 6:0 may be of added benefit to the compromised neonate and in the treatment of steatorrhea.
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