Limits of Medium-Chain and Long-Chain Triacylglycerol Utilization by Neonatal Piglets1,2
作者:S. H. Chiang3,4, J. E. Pettigre,3,5 S. D. Clarke6 and S. G. Cornelius3,7.
University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55108
来源 : J. Anim. Sci. 1990.68:1632-1638
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦
【摘要】从三窝刚出生的仔猪中,选出15只未哺乳的仔猪,禁食2小时后,分为2×3因子处理组,分别用胃管饲喂高剂量(11.32g)中剂量(4.91g)低剂量(2.36g)的油酸甘油酯(同位素C14跟踪)和辛酸甘油酯(同位素C14跟踪)BW(kg)0.75(具体饲喂方法见表1)。测量仔猪每小时二氧化碳的产生量(共测12小时)用来估算甘油酯的氧化率。收集消化道每一段的内容物用于碳和油脂的分析从而计算油脂的吸收量。仔猪对辛酸甘油酯的吸收量(P<0.01)和氧化率(P<0.001)要显著高于油酸甘油酯。在饲喂12小时后,辛酸甘油酯和油酸甘油酯的最大吸收量分别为2.77±0.29和1.83±0.36g/BW(kg)0.75,最大氧化率分别为1.60±0.14和0.33±0.17g/BW(kg).75 ,与此同时,两种甘油酯在1小时内的最大氧化量分别为0.231±0.017和0.049±0.021g/BW(kg).75。辛酸甘油酯的氧化可提供仔猪日常维持能量需要量的42.0%,而油酸甘油酯却只有10.6%。辛酸甘油酯的最有效利用为其中剂量添加时。研究结果表明:仔猪对辛酸甘油酯的利用比油酸甘油酯更为有效。在提高小猪存活率上,中链脂肪酸甘油酯可能是一种更为有效的供能物质。基于本研究,一头仔猪应该提供6g/wt (kg)0.75中链脂肪酸甘油酯为最佳。
【关键词】仔猪 辛酸甘油酯 油酸甘油酯 脂肪 吸收量 氧化量
表1 新生仔猪对油酸甘油酯和辛酸甘油酯的利用

图1 特征1.新生仔猪中脂肪的氧化进程.在这张表中,曲线左边的数值是针对脂肪剂量(g/wt (kg).75),曲线右边的数值指的是脂肪中的脂肪酸.横坐标的脂肪氧化区间分类如下:第1-2小时(0.004-0.012),第3-5小时(0.019-0.021),第6-7小时和第11-12小时(0.027-0.033),第8-10小时(0.042-0.052)

表2 两种甘油酯每小时的氧化率

表3 剂量水平对油酸甘油酯表观吸收率和未被吸收的脂肪中放射性物质分布的影响
Fifteen unsuckled neonatal piglets from three litters were fasted for 2 h after birth then allotted within litter to a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments and given by stomach tube 2.36, 4.91 or 11.32 g of either (1-14C)-triolein or (1-14C)-trioctanoin/W (kg).75. The hourly I4CO2production was measured for 12 h for estimating the oxidation rate of dosed triacylglycerols. The contents of each segment of the digestive tract were collected for I4C and lipid analyses for calculating absorption of the dosed triacylglycerols. Grams of trioctanoin absorbed (P<.01) and oxidized (P<.001) by piglets were higher than grams of trioein. The maximum amounts of trioctanoin and triolein absorbed in 12 h were 2.77±.29 and 1.83±.36g/BW (kg).75, respectively. The maximum amounts of trioctanoin and triolein oxidized in 12 h were 1.60±.14 and .33±.17 g/BW (kg).75, respectively. The maximum amounts of trioctanoin and triolein oxidization during 1-h periods were .231±.017 and .049±.021 g/BW (kg).75. respectively. The calculated maximum percentage of piglets' daily maintenance energy needs supplied by trioctanoin oxidation was 42.0%, compared with 10.6% from triolein. The maximum utilization of trioctanoin occurred at the intermediate dose. Results indicated that trioctanoin was used more effectively than triolein; it may be useful as a source of supplemental energy to improve the survival of
piglets. A single dose should provide about 6 g/body wt (kg).75.
(Key Words: Piglets, Trioctanoin, Triolein, Fats, Absorption, Oxidation.)
Newborn piglets have considerable capacity to absorb and oxidize medium-chain macylglycerols. An appropriate quantity of mediumchain triacylglycerols to be given to piglets per dose, about 6 g/(kg.75·12h), did not reduce colostrum consumption. Whether supplements of this energy source will reduce piglet mortality rates under commercial production conditions remains to be determined.