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第07期 丹麦猪营养推荐量




研究所SEGES 猪研究中心














而且,能量的计算是以6种不同的方法表示:源自NRC 2012的饲料原料能值表的DE、ME、NE,源自CVB猪饲养的表册(2008)的荷兰EW,生长猪和母猪的两个丹麦饲料单位。能量系统之间的关系(例如 MJ ME/FUgp)取决于饲料组成,特别是蛋白含量。

一个关键因素是饲料的能量水平,因为丹麦的蛋白、氨基酸、矿物质和维生素推荐量都是基于能量水平。因此,每公斤饲料的营养水平取决于每公斤饲料的能量水平,例如在某个个案中,每公斤营养推荐量仅对应于特定的每公斤饲料能量水平。每个能量水平推荐量能计算为每公斤能量水平,如MJ ME/kg。或者,在丹麦体系中,每公斤营养推荐量能够计算为(所需饲料能量/丹麦能量推荐水平)x 每公斤可消化营养的数量。










3. 母猪和后备母猪的营养水平

4. 仔猪饲料配方 用于表1

5. 保育-育肥猪日粮配方-用于表2


7. 丹麦推荐量,微量元素、维生素,以每丹麦饲料单位表示(FU)





This publication provides an outline of the Danish nutrient recommendations for sows, prebreeding gilts, piglets, growing pigs and finishers. The Danish recommendations are expressed per Danish feed unit, and in this publication they are converted to recommendations per kg of feed. In addition, the publication includes examples of feed composition and energy levels in feed in different energy evaluation systems.

Nutrient recommendations and total amount of other minerals and vitamins are presented as digestible amino acids and digestible phosphorus per kg feed. The basis is typical international feed composition using Danish recommendations, and the energy content of the feed is calculated in DE, ME, NE, EW and Danish feed units for growing pigs (FUgp) or sows (FUsow).


In Denmark, nutrient recommendations are expressed per Danish feed unit [1]: there is one feed unit for growing pigs (FUgp) and a slightly different one for sows (FUsow). The two units are calibrated so that FUgp = FUsow in barley. Low-energy diets contain more FUsow than FUgp and high-energy diets contain more FUgp than FUsow. The difference is attributed to a higher energy value of fibre for sows in the equations used to calculate energy content.

In other countries, where different feed evaluation systems are applied, it may be difficult to convert the Danish recommendations per Danish feed unit to the feed evaluation systems in question – a topic of increasing interest as sales of DanAvl genetics worldwide continue to soar. This publication will be a helpful tool in converting Danish recommendations to other evaluation systems.


Danish pig feed is primarily based on wheat, barley and soybean meal, and to a smaller extent rapeseed expeller/meal and sunflower meal. Danish barley and wheat have very low protein concentrations due to years of restriction on nitrogen fertilization in order to minimize nitrogen leaching. It is therefore irrelevant to apply Danish feed composition in foreign countries where grain typically contains more protein. 

This publication includes examples of how the Danish recommendations may be used in an average international scenario of available feedstuffs with typical content of protein in grain. The examples include corn even though this cereal is rarely used in Danish pig feed as Danish pig producers are fairly self-sufficient in energy from wheat, barley, rye and triticale.

Furthermore, it was decided to show energy content calculated with six different methods: DE, ME, NE from NRC 2012 table values of ingredients [2], Dutch EW from CVB Table booklet of feeding of pigs (2008) [3] and the two Danish feed units for growing pigs and sows. The relation between energy systems (e.g. MJ ME per FUgp) depends on the feed composition, in particular on protein content.

One key factor is the energy content in feed as the Danish recommendations for protein, amino acids, minerals and vitamins are expressed on the basis of energy content. Consequently, nutrient content per kg depends on energy content per kg, i.e. recommendations per kg apply only to the specific energy content per kg feed shown in the individual example. The recommendations per energy content can be calculated as content per kg divided by energy per kg in the energy unit chosen (i.e. per MJ ME). Alternatively, the recommended content per kg of a nutrient in the Danish system can be calculated as (desired energy content in feed) / (energy content in Danish example) x amount of digestible nutrient per kg in the Danish example.

Danish amino acid recommendations are intended to be economically optimum at an average price scenario in Denmark. An increase in the amino acid profile to 5-10% above the recommendation may improve growth and feed conversion slightly, but the cost of doing so will normally exceed the benefit.

In 2014, we introduced new feeding standards for prebreeding gilts. These standards are far below the levels required for maximum growth as it is attempted to use nutrition to slow down growth in order to decrease mature size, increase leg strength and increase fat levels in per cent of body at breeding. The overall goal is to increase the longevity of sows.

Results and discussion

The following tables are examples of feed composition when Danish recommendations are applied. Tables 1-3 concern nutrient content and the following three tables provide examples of feed composition used to calculate digestible content and energy content in different energy evaluation systems. Typical feed will often have a higher concentration of several amino acids compared to minimum recommendations. Consequently, the examples include both the minimum recommendation and the level achieved for digestible amino acids.

Phytase was included with 1000 FTU in all examples of feed composition - as in typical Danish feed – and xylanase is included in feed for piglets and growing-finishing pigs, but not for sow feed.

Many feed formulators around the world use matrix values for phytase and xylanase to increase the calculated content of digestible amino acids and energy. In this publication, matrix values were not applied to increase digestibility of amino acid or energy content expressed in DE, ME, NE or EW. In the Danish system, we include a 0.5-1.0% “uplift” of energy content from xylanase, because the calculated energy value includes the effect of xylanase on the in vitro digestibility. In Denmark, the “uplift” for phytase is not used on energy or digestibility of amino acids partly because this cannot be documented with the Danish methods for control of energy in pig diets and partly because recommendations for digestible amino acids are based on trial activities with feed containing phytase.


The Danish nutrient recommendations per Danish feed unit for sows, breeding gilts, piglets and growing-finishing pigs are converted to recommendations per kg in typical international feed composition. Using the calculated level of energy per kg in the examples, the Danish recommendations can be recalculated as requirement per unit of energy in the chosen energy evaluation system. The recommendations per kg only apply to the energy content used in the examples.  


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