Effect of Adding Medium-Chain Triglycerides to Sow Diets During Late gestation and Early Lactation on Litter Performance
作者:M. J. Azain
Animal and Dairy Science Department, University of Georgia, Athens 30602
来源:J ANIM SCI 1993, 71:3011-3019.
摘要:本实验是为了评估在怀孕后期和泌乳早期母猪日粮添加中链脂肪酸甘油酯(MCT)是否能够提高初生仔猪的成活率。自妊娠第91天开始,一直持续到泌乳第7天,母猪饲喂三种饲料:对照组(19%淀粉,2%大豆油)、长链脂肪酸甘油酯组(LCT,大豆油,12%)、MCT组(10%MCT,2%大豆油),三组皆为等能量(7,000 kal of ME/d )和等氮量(278 g of CP/d)。母猪(三组分别有18头、19头、17头)在妊娠第112天分娩。在出生时(吸吮初乳前)、在哺乳期第1天、3天、7天和21天,称窝重。在实验期各组间均重差异不显著,初生活仔数没有差异。从第3天(P<0.05)开始一直到断奶(21天,P<0.02),饲喂MCT日粮母猪与饲喂对照组日粮的母猪相比,仔猪的成活率显著提高。总的仔猪成活率分别为:对照组 80%、LCT组81%、MCT组90%。实验观察到,最显著的改善是:对初生体重小于900克的弱仔的成活率显著提高。初生体重小于900克的仔猪成活率分别是:对照组32%、LCT组53%、MCT组68%。虽然饲喂MCT提高了乳汁中的中链脂肪酸的含量,但是,乳汁中的脂肪酸(含量小于5%)很可能不是提高仔猪成活率的主要因素。实验观察到:LCT组和MCT组的初生仔猪的血液葡萄糖量(P<0.05)的显著增加,支持和解释了产前的日粮对仔猪成活率的影响。实验结果显示:MCT能提供一项提高仔猪成活率的有实际意义的措施,特别是降低断奶前仔猪的死亡率超过15%。
关键词:母猪 猪 成活率 日粮脂肪 中链脂肪酸甘油酯


表3. 母猪体重、采食量、胎次、血液葡萄糖、血液甘油三酯



图1. 饲喂A)对照组、B)组长链脂肪酸甘油酯组(LCT)、C)组中链脂肪酸甘油酯组(MCT)的母猪,其所产仔猪21天成活率的百分数的比较,以成活率百分数作为函数,每100克初生体重增量(柱状图);每个图中的曲线代表成活率数据的二阶回归线,集中复合呈现在D)中。请参考表5的初生体重间隔的划分。
ABSTRACT:This experiment was conducted to determine whether feeding medium-chain triglycer- ides (MCT) to sows during late gestation and early lactation would improve neonatal pig survival. Begin- ning on d 91 of gestation and continuing through d 7 of lactation, sows were fed isoenergetic (7,000 kcal of ME/d) and isonitrogenous (278 g of CP/d) amounts of either control (19% starch, 2% soybean oil), long- chain triglycerides (LCT, soybean oil, 12%), or MCT (10% MCT, 2% soybean oil) diets. Sows ( n = 18, 19, and 17, respectively) were induced to farrow on d 112 of gestation. Litters were weighed at birth, before suckling, and on d 1, 3, 7, and 21 of lactation. There was no effect of treatment on average pig weight at any time and no difference in the number of live pigs at birth. Beginning on d 3 ( P < .05) and continuing through weaning (d 21, P < .02) survival was improved in litters from sows fed MCT relative to litters from sows fed the control diet. Overall survival rates were 80, 81, and 90% in control, LCT, and MCT groups, respectively. The greatest improvement in survival was observed in pigs weighing < 900 g at birth. Survival of pigs in this weight range was 32, 53, and 68% in control, LCT, and MCT treatments, respectively. Although feeding MCT resulted in an increase in content of medium-chain fatty acids in milk, these accounted for < 5% of the fatty acids in milk and likely cannot account for the improved survival rate. The observation of increased blood glucose ( P < .05) at birth in pigs from both the LCT- and MCT-fed sows is supportive of a prenatal effect of the diets. The results suggest that MCT may provide a practical means to improve survival rates, particularly in herds with preweaning mortality > 15%.
Keywords:Sows, Pigs, Survival, Dietary Fat, Medium Chain Triglycerides
Litters from sows fed diets containing 10%medium- chain triglycerides for the last 3 wk of gestation had decreased preweaning mortality. The overall benefit of this dietary treatment was an increase of one addi- tional pig weaned per litter. In particular, the survival rate in pigs weighing < 900 g at birth was doubled relative to that in the sows fed a control diet. These results suggest that feeding medium-chain triglycer- ides or a natural oil, such as coconut oil that has a high percentage of medium-chain fatty acids, may provide a cost-effective means of improving neonatal survival.
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