The effect of tributyrin supplementation to milk replacer on plasma glucagon‐like peptide 2 concentrations in pre-weaning calves
作者:Yudai Inabu1 | Kyotaro Murayama2 | Katsutoshi Inouchi2 | Toshihisa Sugino1
1 The Research Center for Animal Science, Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
2 Feed‐Livestock and Guidance Department, Dairy Technology Research Institute, The National Federation of Dairy Co-operative Associations (ZEN-RAKU-REN), Fukushima, Japan
来源:Anim Sci J. 2019;00:1-8. DOI: 10.1111/asj.13262
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦
【摘要】动物采食时,肠源肽之一的胰高血糖素样肽2(GLP-2)可由远端胃肠道(GIT)的肠内分泌L细胞产生,并在刺激非反刍动物肠道生长中起作用(可提高家畜营养吸收和生产效率)。然而当前,人们研究犊牛喂食三丁酸甘油酯(TB)对血浆GLP-2浓度的影响非常少,本文旨在评估代乳粉(MR)中添加三丁酸甘油酯(TB)对断奶前犊牛的生产性能、健康度、血浆代谢产物浓度和胰高血糖素样肽(GLP-2)的影响。20头荷斯坦小母牛(42.5±0.7kg,4.2±0.2d)被随机均分成2组,CON组:饲喂MR+棕榈油;TB组:喂食MR+0.3%TB(基于饲喂量),此外,还额外添加了棕榈油以平衡能量来源,试验为期7周。从研究开始,就给小牛喂食初始日粮和克莱因牧草,每周采集血样以测量血糖,血清β-羟基丁酸(BHBA),胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF-1)和血浆GLP-2浓度。研究结果显示,出生后第46、47和49-55天,TB组犊牛的初始DMI和代谢能摄入(ME)要低于CON组犊牛,即便是这样,TB组犊牛的生长性能参数均不受到影响。此外还发现整个实验期间,与CON组(0.41 ng/ml)相比,TB组(0.60 ng/ml)犊牛的的平均血浆GLP-2浓度更高。研究结果表明,1)替代乳中添加三丁酸甘油酯(TB)会增加血浆GLP-2的浓度;2)在ME摄入减少的情况下,代乳粉中添加TB可维持犊牛的生长性能。



图2:在出生后1-8周内,用添加了棕榈油(CON)或三丁酸甘油酯(TB)的替代乳喂养的犊牛血清中胰岛素样生长因子1 (IGF-1)的浓度



The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of tributyrin (TB) supplementation to milk replacer (MR) on performance, health, and blood concentrations of metabolite and glucagon‐like peptide (GLP‐2) in pre‐weaning calves. Twenty Holstein heifer calves were raised on an intensified nursing program using MR supplemented with either palm oil (CON) or TB (TB) at 0.3% (as fed basis) for 7 weeks starting 1 week after birth. Calves were fed a calf starter and kleingrass from the beginning of the study. Blood samples were obtained weekly to measure blood glucose, serum β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA), insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1), and plasma GLP‐2 concentrations. Starter DMI and metabolizable energy (ME) intake were lower in TB calves at 46, 47, from 49 to 55 days after birth compared with the CON calves. However, any growth parameters were not affected by TB treatment. Blood glucose, serum BHBA, and IGF‐1 concentrations were not affected by TB supplementation. On the other hand, mean plasma GLP-2 concentration among whole experimental period was higher for TB (0.60 ng/ml) compared with CON (0.41 ng/ml). In conclusion, feeding MR supplemented with TB increases plasma GLP-2 concentration, which might counterbalance the growth performance of TB calves despite the decreased ME intake.
Keywords:glucagon-like peptide 2, heifer calf, tributyrin
Although TB supplementation in MR reduced starter DMI and ME intake, growth parameters were not affected by TB supplementation, which may be the result of a possible improvement of GIT development via the direct and/or indirect effect through the increased GLP‐2 secretion of TB supplementation to MR. However, as we could not exclude the possibility that the decreased starter intake might negatively affected rumen development of calves, further research is warranted to investigate the long-term effect of dietary TB supplementation on GIT development and growth in newborn dairy calves. These findings extend our understanding of the effects of TB supplementation to MR on GLP-2 secretion and may have implications for improvement of performance in calves.
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