Effect of Butyric Acid on the Performance and Carcass Yield of Broiler Chickens
作者:S. Leeson,*,1 H. Namkung,* M. Antongiovanni,† and E. H. Lee‡
*Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1;
†Dipartimento di Scienze Zootecniche, Universita di Firenze, I50144; Firenze, Italy; and ‡Vetech Laboratories Inc., Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1K 1A8
来源:2005 Poultry Science 84:1418–1422
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦
实验一:840羽1日龄雄性Ross肉鸡被随机分配成4个处理组,对照组饲喂基础日粮;其他3个处理组分别饲喂基础日粮+11 ppm维吉尼亚霉素或0.2%丁酸或0.4%丁酸,每组35羽,6个重复,试验为期42天,试验结束后每组随机取8羽鸡致死并分析胴体特性。
实验二:本试验的试验设计、动物数量和管理方式均和试验一相同,对照组饲喂基础日粮,其他3个处理组分别饲喂50 ppm杆菌肽(杆菌肽亚甲基二水杨酸酯)或0.1%丁酸或0.2%丁酸。随后收集部分肉鸡的十二指肠样品,并固定在10%缓冲的福尔马林溶液当中,之后对其进行HE染色并评估样品的绒毛长度和隐窝深度。
结果显示,在实验一中,不同日粮处理对肉鸡的体重增加没有显著影响;与试验初期饲喂对照日粮的肉鸡相比,饲喂含有0.4%丁酸日粮的肉鸡的采食量显著降低(P <0.01),而喂食0.2%丁酸的肉鸡的采食量与对照组相似。而在实验二中,日粮处理并不影响肉鸡的生产性能,而在饲喂0.2%丁酸的肉鸡中,其胴体重和胸肌产量却显著增加(P <0.01)。在球虫卵囊感染的前提下,与饲喂对照饲粮的肉鸡相比,感染前饲喂丁酸的肉鸡在感染后显示出更高的生长速率。杆菌肽显著降低肉鸡的十二指肠绒毛隐窝深度(P <0.05),而绒毛长度在饲喂含有丁酸或基础日粮的肉鸡中相似。




Short-chain fatty acids such as butyrate are considered potential alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters. The effificacy of butyric acid on performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens was tested in two studies. The effect of dietary butyrate on the ability to withstand coccidial oocyte challenge also was investigated. In experiment 1, male broiler chickens were fed diets supplemented with 0 or 11 ppm virginiamycin or 0.2 or 0.4% butyric acid (as mono-, di-, and triglyceride). In experiment 2, broilers were fed bacitracin methylene disalicylate or 0.1 or 0.2% butyric acid. In another trial, birds vaccinated against coccidiosis were challenged with oocytes at 21 d and examined 6 d later. In experiment 1, diet treatments had no effect on body weight gain. Feed intake of the birds fed 0.4% butyric acid was decreased(P < 0.01) compared with birds fed the nonmedicated diet during the starter period, whereas birds fed 0.2% butyric acid had similar feed intake to the control birds. In experiment 2, diet treatments did not affect the performance of broiler chicks while carcass weight and breast meat yield increased (P < 0.01) in birds fed 0.2% butyric acid. With oocyte challenge, birds that had received butyric acid before challenge showed higher growth rate following the challenge compared with birds that received nonmed icated feed. Bacitracin decreased (P < 0.05%) duodenal villi crypt depth, whereas villus length was similar in birds fed butyric acid or the nonmedicated control diet. These results show that 0.2% butyric acid can help to maintain the performance and carcass quality of broilers, especially in vaccinated birds challenged with coccidiosis.
The results of these studies indicate no negative effect of feeding up to 0.4% butyrate glycerides throughout the 42-d broiler growth period. There is an indication that unlike antibiotics, butyrate helps in the maintenance of intestinal villi structure, compared with the negative effect of antibiotics, and that prior treatment reduces the
devastating effects of coccidial challenge. Further studies are warranted to study the dose response to butyric acid, and the specifific time needed to feed this product. A
mixture of butyrate mono-, di-, and triglyerides seems to provide an alternative route for administering butyric acid via the feed of broiler chickens.
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