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Diet structure, butyric acid, and fermentable carbohydrates inflfluence growth performance, gut morphology, and cecal fermentation characteristics in broilers

作者:S. N. Qaisrani,,,1 M. M. van Krimpen, R. P. Kwakkel,M. W. A. Verstegen,and W. H. HendriksAnimal Nutrition Group,
Department of Animal Sciences, Wageningen University, PO Box 338, NL-6700 AH Wageningen, the Netherlands;

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan; and
 Wageningen UR Livestock Research, PO Box 65, NL-8200 AB Lelystad, the Netherlands

来源:2015 Poultry Science 94:2152-2164

翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦

【摘要】本试验旨在探究粗粒日粮中添加丁酸(BA)和可发酵碳水化合物(FC)对饲喂难消化的蛋白质日粮的肉鸡的影响。288Ross308肉鸡(1日龄)被随机分配成9个处理组,实验分组如下,1SBM组:饲喂以豆粕粉(SBM)为主要蛋白质来源的阳性对照饲料;2f组:喂食以菜籽粕(RSM)为主的细粒日粮;3c组:饲喂以菜籽粕(RSM)为主的粗粒日粮;4fba组:饲喂2kg/t无保护的丁酸钠+细粒RSM日粮;5cba组:喂食2kg/t无保护的丁酸钠+粗粒RSM日粮;6ffc组:饲喂50g/kg马铃薯淀粉+细粒RSM日粮;7cfc组:喂食50g/kg马铃薯淀粉+粗粒RSM日粮;8ffcba组:饲喂50g/kg马铃薯淀粉+2kg/t无保护的丁酸钠+细粒RSM日粮;9cfcba组:喂食50g/kg马铃薯淀粉+2kg/t无保护的丁酸钠+粗粒RSM日粮;上述日粮均不添加任何抗生素和抗球虫药物。每组8羽,每组4个重复,试验为期35天。试验结束后,每组致死部分肉鸡并采集相关胃肠组织展开分析。研究结果显示,日粮的度对肉鸡采食量(FIP <0.001日增重(P = 0.001)和饲料转化率(FCRP = 0.001)的影响显著。与饲喂细粒饲料的肉鸡相比,饲喂粗粒饲料的肉鸡肌胃平均重14%,而嗉囊十二指肠空肠和回肠的相对空重则分别降低11%,7%,5%和6%。与饲喂细粒日粮的肉鸡相比,饲喂粗粒饲料平均可使回肠蛋白消化率提高6%,肌胃pH值降低20%,绒毛高度增加19%,隐窝深度降低18%以及盲肠支链脂肪酸(BCFA)减少23%。研究发现与饲喂不含BA的日粮相比,日粮添加BA的肉鸡的FCR显著改善P = 0.004),隐窝深度显著降低(P <0.001)。日粮添加FC不影响肉鸡的生长性能肠道发育或总BCFA以及盲肠食糜中总生物胺的含量(P>0.05)。而与不饲喂FC的肉鸡相比,日粮添加FC可使盲肠中精胺水平降低约31%P=0.002)。总之,日粮添加BA可提高饲喂粗粒含难消化蛋白源饲料的肉鸡的生产性能。因此,难消化蛋白源的负效应可以部分通过补充BA和调整日粮粒度来抵消。
2:对照和实验生长日粮的颗粒耐久性指数。SBM =以豆粕为主的日粮;f =细粒日粮;c =粗粒饲料;fba =补充丁酸的细粒日粮;cba =补充丁酸的粗粒日粮;ffc =添加可发酵碳水化合物的细粒日粮;cfc =补充可发酵碳水化合物的粗粒日粮;ffcba =补充可发酵碳水化合物的细粒日粮和丁酸;和cfcba =补充可发酵碳水化合物和丁酸的粗粒日粮;其中细粒日粮:成分在锤磨机中通过3.0mm的开口筛。粗粒日粮:成分在辊磨机中通过1.6mm的开口筛。
3:日粮结构(ST),丁酸(BA)和可发酵碳水化合物(FC)对3536日龄肉鸡空腹胃肠段平均相对重量(g/100 g BW)的影响。


6:日粮结构(ST),丁酸(BA)和可发酵碳水化合物(FC)对3536 日龄肉鸡盲肠挥发性脂肪酸(VFA [mmol / kg DM])浓度的影响。
7:日粮结构(ST),丁酸(BA)和可发酵碳水化合物(FC)对3536 日龄肉鸡盲肠生物胺(mmol / kg DM)浓度的影响。

An experiment with 288 male (Ross 308) 1-d-old broilers was conducted to test the hypothesis that a coarse diet supplemented with butyric acid (BA) and fermentable carbohydrates (FC) improves performance of broilers with a poorly digestible protein source. The interaction effects of diet structure (fine or coarse), FC supplementation (with or with out), and BA supplementation (with or without) in a poorly digestible diet based on rapeseed meal (RSM) were tested in a factorial arrangement of 8 (2 × 2 × 2) dietary treatments. The coarseness of the diet affected feed intake (FI) (P < 0.001), BW gain (P = 0.001), and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) (P = 0.001) positively. Broilers fed the coarse diets had, on average, 14% heaviergizzards and 11, 7, 5, and 6% lower relative empty weights of the crop, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, respectively, compared with those fed the fine diets. Dietary coarseness resulted in, on average, 6% greater ileal protein digestibility, 20% lower gizzard pH, 19% greater villus height, 18% lower crypt depth, and 23% reduced cecal branched chain fatty acids (BCFA) compared with chickens fed the fine diets. Broilers fed BA-supplemented diets had an improved FCR (P = 0.004) and decreased crypt depth (P < 0.001) compared with those fed diets without BA. Fermentable carbohydrate supplementation did not influence growth performance, gut development, or contents of total BCFA and total biogenic amines in the cecal digesta (P > 0.05). Supplementation with FC, however, decreased the cecal concentration of spermine by approximately 31% compared with broilers fed diets without FC (P = 0.002). In conclusion, feeding a coarse diet supplemented with BA improved performance of  broilers fed a diet containing a poorly digestible protein source. The negative effects of a poorly digestible protein source can thus be partly counterbalanced by coarse grinding and BA supplementation in the diet.
Key words: diet structure, butyric acid, cecal fermentation, broilers, fermentable carbohydrates
In conclusion, feeding a coarse diet supplemented with BA improves performance of broilers fed a poorly digestible protein source.

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