Effects of tributyrin supplementation on ruminal microbial protein yield, fermentation characteristics and nutrients degradability in adult Small Tail ewes
作者:Qing-Chang Ren1,Jing-Jing Xuan1,Li-Ke Wang1,Qiu-Wen Zhan1,Ding-Zhong Yin1,Zhong-Ze Hu1,Hong-Jian Yang2,Wei Zhang2,Lin-Shu Jiang3
1Anhui Science and Technology University,Fengyang, China
2State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition,College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University (CAU), Beijing,China
3Beijing Key Laboratory of Dairy CowNutrition, Beijing University of Agriculture,Beijing, China
来源:Anim Sci J. 2018;1–9.DOI: 10.1111/asj.13033
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦
【摘要】本研究旨在通过体外和体内试验来评估日粮添加三丁酸甘油酯(TB)对成年短尾母羊的瘤胃微生物蛋白质产量和发酵特性的影响。在体外试验中,选取9只瘤胃插管的短尾母羊(12月龄,55±5kg),日粮以干物质(DM)为基础,同时添加不同浓度的TB(0,2,4,6和8g / kg),二者混合48h,采食过后收集9只羊的瘤胃液用于分析TB对羊瘤胃养分降解率和发酵特性的影响。而在体内试验中,45只成年母羊(12月龄,55±5kg)根据初始体重被随机分配成5个试验组,分饲DM基础日粮+不同浓度的TB(0,2,4,6和8g / kg),每组9只,试验为期18天。实验结果显示,体外试验下,日粮添加TB显著增强了成年母羊对DM(p=0.009),粗蛋白(p <0.001),中性洗涤纤维(p=0.007)和酸性洗涤纤维(p=0.010)的降解和利用,同时瘤胃的产甲烷能力相应增加(p <0.001)。而体内试验则表明,日粮添加TB虽然显著降低了成年母羊对DM的摄入量(p <0.001),但它显著增加了瘤胃微生物蛋白质的生成(p <0.001)。总之,体外和体内试验均表明日粮添加TB可使羊瘤胃内总挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的浓度和纤维素酶(木聚糖酶,羧甲基纤维素酶,结晶纤维素酶)的活性得到相应的增加。研究结果表明,日粮添加TB可对羊瘤胃微生物蛋白质的产量和发酵特性产生积极的影响。






Two trials were conducted to assess the effects of tributyrin (TB) supplementation on ruminal microbial protein yield and fermentation characteristics in adult sheep. In an in vitro trial, substrate was made to offer TB at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 g/kg on a dry matter (DM) basis and incubated for 48 hr. In an in vivo trial, 45 adult ewes were randomly assigned by initial body weight (55±5 kg) to five treatments of nine animals over an 18-day period. Total mixed ration was made to offer TB to ewes at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 g/kg on a DM basis. The in vitro trial showed that TB enhanced apparent degradation of DM (p = .009), crude protein (p < .001), neutral detergent fiber (p = .007) and acid detergent fiber (p = .010) and increased methanogenesis (p < .001), respectively. The in vivo trial showed that TB decreased DM intake (p < .001) and enhanced rumen microbial N synthesis (p < .001), respectively. Both in vitro and in vivo trials showed that TB increased total volatile fatty acid concentration and enhanced fibrolytic enzyme activity. The results indicated that TB might exert positive effects on microbial protein yield and fermentation in the rumen.
Although the in vitro trial failed to decrease methanogenesis, substrate and feed supplementation of TB showed advantageous effects on total VFA concentration, fibrolytic enzyme activity, fermentation efficiency and microbial protein synthesis, which might have positive effects on performance in adult ewes
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