Tributyrin Supplementation Protects Immune Responses and Vasculature and Reduces Oxidative Stress in the Proximal Colon of Mice Exposed to Chronic-Binge Ethanol Feeding
作者:B. Glueck ,1 Y. Han ,1 and G. A. M. Cresci 1,2,3
1Lerner Research Institute, Inflammation and Immunity, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
2Pediatric Institute, Gastroenterology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
3Digestive Disease & Surgery Institute, Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
来源:Journal of Immunology Research Volume 2018, Article ID 9671919, 13 pages
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦

图1:三丁酸甘油酯对慢性乙醇暴露小鼠近端结肠免疫细胞的影响。给小鼠喂食10天含乙醇(5%v / v)的液体日粮(EF)或用等量的饲喂含有麦芽糖-糊精的乙醇替代日粮(PF)。两种日粮中均添加了甘油或三丁酸甘油酯(5 mM),然后在第二天给小鼠管饲5g / kg含有甘油或三丁酸甘油酯(2.5mM)的乙醇。管饲9小时后,将小鼠致死并收集近端结肠用于制备RNA或包埋在最佳切割温度化合物(OCT)以便用于组织学观察。(a)CD45(绿色),(b)CD68(绿色),(f)C3b / iC3b / C3c和(g)NIMP-R14通过免疫组化在OCT中冷冻的近端结肠切片中显现。使用10x或20x物镜获取图像,选定的区域被裁剪和放大。(c-e)使用RT-PCR在近端结肠中检测CD68,Ly6c和ELANE mRNA的表达。(f)除了PF和EF组小鼠,将根据年龄-性别相匹配的C57BL / 6和C3-/-小鼠的近端结肠冻结,C57BL / 6小鼠被染色而表达C3b / iC3b / C3c。类似于PF小鼠,在野生型(WT)组小鼠中观察到C3b阳性染色,并且如所预期的,相对于阳性C3b染色,C3-/- 小鼠则表现为阴性。图像代表每个处理组的4-6只小鼠中每只小鼠的重复图像。数据用平均值±标准误(SEM)。上标值用不同字母表示的结果差异显著(p <0.05和* p <0.05)。

图2:三丁酸甘油酯对慢性乙醇暴露小鼠近端结肠的中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞调节因子的影响。如图1所述处理小鼠,切除近端结肠并用于制备RNA或嵌入OCT用于组织学观察。(a) G-CSF (绿色)通过免疫组化在OCT中冷冻的近端结肠切片中显现。所示图像使用20x物镜获得,并且代表每个处理组4-6只小鼠中每只小鼠捕获的重复图像。(b)使用Image Pro Plus软件对使用10x物镜下获得的图像,量化G-CSF阳性区域并进行分析。(c-e)使用RT-PCR在近端结肠中检测MMP9,Arg1和iNOS mRNA的表达。

图3:丁酸对IL-1β和乙醇刺激的人肠上皮细胞(Caco-2)单层分泌的IL-8的影响。使Caco-2在24孔板中生长至汇合,并使其单层分化7天。将细胞用丁酸钠(5mM)预处理18小时,然后用25mM乙醇和/或10ng / mL IL-1β处理3小时。然后收集细胞外培养基并通过ELISA分析IL-8含量。每个处理组重复四次实验,数据用平均值±标准误(SEM)。上标值用不同字母表示的结果差异显著(p <0.05和* p <0.05)。

图4:三丁酸甘油酯对慢性乙醇暴露小鼠近端结肠中促和抗-氧化介质表达的影响。如图1所述处理小鼠,切除近端结肠并用于制备RNA。(a-d)使用RT-PCR在小鼠近端结肠中检测到NOX1,HO-1,SOD2和TRX1 mRNA的表达。每个处理组重复4-6只小鼠,数据用平均值±标准误(SEM)。上标值用不同字母表示的结果差异显著(p <0.05和* p <0.05)。

图5:三丁酸甘油酯对慢性乙醇暴露小鼠近端结肠的血管系统的影响。如图1所述处理小鼠,切除近端结肠并用于制备RNA或嵌入OCT用于组织学观察。(a)CD13(绿色)和(c)vWF(绿色)通过免疫组化在OCT中冷冻的近端结肠切片中显现。所有图像均使用10倍物镜获得。选定的区域被裁剪和放大。图像代表每个处理组4-6只小鼠中每只小鼠捕获的重复图像。(b,d)使用Image Pro Plus软件定量CD31和vWF阳性区域并进行分析。(e,f)使用RT-PCR在近端结肠中检测TGFβ1和PDGFb mRNA的表达。数据用平均值±标准误(SEM)。上标值用不同字母表示的结果差异显著(p <0.05)。
Excessive ethanol consumption causes adverse effects and contributes to organ dysfunction. Ethanol metabolism triggers oxidative stress, altered immune function, and gut dysbiosis. The gut microbiome is known to contribute to the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, and disturbances are associated with pathology. A consequence of gut dysbiosis is also alterations in its metabolic and fermentation byproducts. The gut microbiota ferments undigested dietary polysaccharides to yield short-chain fatty acids, predominantly acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Butyrate has many biological mechanisms of action including antiinflammatory and immunoprotective effects, and its depletion is associated with intestinal injury. We previously showed that butyrate protects gut-liver injury during ethanol exposure. While the intestine is the largest immune organ in the body, little is known regarding the effects of ethanol on intestinal immune function. This work is aimed at investigating the effects of butyrate supplementation, in the form of the structured triglyceride tributyrin, on intestinal innate immune responses and oxidative stress following chronic-binge ethanol exposure in mice. Our work suggests that tributyrin supplementation preserved immune responses and reduced oxidative stress in the proximal colon during chronic-binge ethanol exposure. Our results also indicate a possible involvement of tributyrin in maintaining the integrity of intestinal villi vasculature disrupted by chronic-binge ethanol exposure.
In conclusion, these findings show that tributyrin supplementation protected against blunted immune responses,oxidative stress, and reduced vasculature in the mouse proximal colon caused by chronic-binge ethanol exposure. These data highlight beneficial effects of butyrate and suggest an important role of this gut fermentation byproduct as a potential protective supplement to ethanol exposure, and future studies investigating role in human models are warranted.
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