Tributyrin and lactitol synergistically enhanced the trophic status of the intestinal mucosa and reduced histamine levels in the gut of nursery pigs
作者:A. Piva*5, A. Prandini†, L. Fiorentini†, M. Morlacchini‡,F. Galvano§, and J. B. Luchansky¶
*DIMORFIPA, University of Bologna, 40064 Ozzano Emilia, Bologna, Italy;
†ISAN, Facolta` di Agraria, Universita´ Cattolica del S. Cuore, 29100 Piacenza, Italy;
‡Centro Ricerche per la Zootecnia e l’Ambiente, S. Bonico, 29100 Piacenza, Italy;
§Dipartimento STAFA, Universita` di Reggio Calabria, 89121 Reggio Calabria, Italy; and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038
来源:J. Anim. Sci. 2002. 80:670–680
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦
【摘要】本实验为探究三丁酸甘油酯和乳糖醇是否可以协同促进保育猪适应日粮从乳汁到固体饲料的转变。在出生后21天,将64头仔猪转移到生产区并饲喂加药日粮(每kg日粮添加金霉素1000mg;螺旋霉素400mg)。28日龄时将这批仔猪称重(5.9±0.15kg)同时分配成4个组。实验分组如下,CTR组:饲喂对照日粮;TRB组:对照日粮+三丁酸甘油酯(1,2,3-丁酸丙三酯,10g/kg);LCT组:对照日粮+3g/kg乳糖醇;TRB+LCT组:对照日粮+营养素(每kg日粮含有三丁酸甘油酯10g和乳糖醇3g),每组16只,每组4个重复。在实验第0,14和42天,喂食对照或实验组日粮后,将这批仔猪称重动物并确定动物健康数,采食量和饲料转化率。在实验的第42天,每组挑取4只仔猪致死以测量仔猪肠道的空重和全重,以及肝脏和肾脏的重量。研究人员对空肠和盲肠进行取样以分析肠腔内乳酸; 短链脂肪酸; 单胺,二胺和多胺的浓度,同时对粘膜状态进行了评估。实验结果显示,在为期42天的实验周期后,饲喂对照日粮的仔猪死亡率为19%,饲喂对照日粮+三丁酸甘油酯或乳糖醇日粮的仔猪死亡率仅为6%,而饲喂对照日粮+营养素(三丁酸甘油酯和乳糖醇)的仔猪死亡率为0%。实验的14天,与饲喂对照或三丁酸甘油酯日粮的仔猪相比,喂食三丁酸甘油酯+乳糖醇日粮的仔猪ADG显著要高127%(P <0.05)。而42天后,饲食三丁酸甘油酯+乳糖醇日粮的仔猪要比喂食三丁酸甘油酯日粮的仔猪显著更重(P <0.05)。在屠宰时,未观察到猪器官重量的差异(P> 0.05)。与对照组仔猪相比,喂食含有乳糖醇日粮的仔猪盲肠乳酸浓度增加三倍(P <0.01),其他组仔猪肠腔内乳酸和短链脂肪酸的浓度则没有显著差异(P> 0.05)。在所分析的各种胺中,唯一有变化的就是,与对照组相比,饲喂三丁酸甘油酯+乳糖醇日粮的仔猪空肠和盲肠中组胺水平分别降低了66%和49%(P <0.05)。与饲喂对照日粮的仔猪相比,喂食乳糖醇或三丁酸甘油酯+乳糖醇日粮的仔猪空肠中,其绒毛的长度增加了12%(P <0.05),而三丁酸甘油酯日粮对绒毛没有影响(P> 0.05)。而在盲肠中,与对照组仔猪相比,喂食乳糖醇日粮的仔猪隐窝深度降低了18%(P <0.001),饲喂三丁酸甘油酯或三丁酸甘油酯+乳糖醇日粮的仔猪隐窝深度则相应降低了45%。总之,含有三丁酸甘油酯和乳糖醇作为营养素的日粮能够降低仔猪空肠和盲肠中组胺的浓度,以及更长的空肠绒毛和更浅的盲肠隐窝。




表5:饲喂对照日粮(CTR)和对照+三丁酸甘油酯和(或)乳糖醇日粮的仔猪空肠和盲肠内单胺,二胺以及多胺的浓度 (mol/g DM)

图1:饲喂对照日粮(CTR)或对照+三丁酸甘油酯(TRB, 10 g/kg)和(或)乳糖醇(LCT, 3 g/kg)日粮的仔猪的空肠厚度;A图: 通过扫描电子显微镜记录每个处理组至少20次测量结果来估算空肠厚度。B图:通过扫描电子显微镜记录每个处理组至少24次测量以估算仔猪空肠的绒毛长度。使用Newman-Keuls后测试将数据与单向ANOVA进行比较。误差条表示SE。 具有不同上标字母的纵坐标不同(P <0.05)。

图2:喂食对照(CTR)日粮,有或没有三丁酸甘油酯(TRB,10g / kg)和(或)乳糖醇(LCT,3g / kg)的仔猪盲肠厚度。A图:通过扫描电子显微镜记录每个处理组至少28次来估算盲肠厚度。B图:通过扫描电子显微镜记录每个处理组至少24次来估算隐窝深度。使用Newman-Keuls后测试将数据与单向ANOVA进行比较。误差条表示SE。 具有不同上标字母的纵坐标不同(P <0.001)。

This study determined whether tributyrin and lactitol could synergistically facilitate the transition from milk to solid feed in nursery pigs. At 21 d after birth, 64 piglets were moved from the piggery to a production barn and fed a medicated diet. At 28 d after birth, the piglets were weighed and allotted into four groups and fed a standard nonmedicated diet (control) or the control diet with tributyrin (butanoic acid 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester; 10 g/kg), or with lactitol (β-Dgalactopyranosyl-(1→4)-D-sorbitol; 3 g/kg), or with tributyrin (10 g/kg) plus lactitol (3 g/kg). On d 0, 14, and 42 after being fed the control or experimental diets, the animals were weighed, and animal health, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio were determined. On d 42, four piglets from each treatment were killed to measure the empty and full weight of the gut, as well as the weights of the liver and kidneys. The jejunum and cecum were sampled to analyze the lumina concentrations of lactic acid; short-chain fatty acids; and mono-, di-, and polyamines and to assess the mucosal status. Mortality after 42 d ranged from 19% for animals fed the control diet, to 6% for animals fed the tributyrin or lactitol diets, and to 0% for animals fed the tributyrin+lactitol diet. After 14 d, the ADG was 127% greater (P < 0.05) in animals fed the tributyrin+lactitol diet than in animals fed the control or tributyrin diets. After 42 d, animals fed the tributyrin+lactitol diet were heavier (P < 0.05) than animals fed the tributyrin diet. At slaughter, no differences (P > 0.05) in organ weights were observed. With the exception of animals fed the lactitol diet, wherein cecal lactic acid levels increased threefold (P < 0.01), the luminal concentrations of lactic acid and short chain fatty acids were not different (P > 0.05). Among the various amines analyzed, the only response (P < 0.05) was a 66 and 49% decrease in histamine levels in the jejunum and cecum, respectively, in animals fed the tributyrin+lactitol diet compared to the control diet. In the jejunum of animals fed the lactitol or tributyrin+lactitol diets, the length of the villi was increased by 12% (P < 0.05) compared to animals fed the control diet, whereas the tributyrin diet did not have any effect on the villi (P > 0.05). In the cecum, the depths of the crypts were reduced (P < 0.001) by 18% in animals fed the lactitol diet and 45% in animals fed the tributyrin or tributyrin+lactitol diets compared to animals fed the control diet. In conclusion, a diet containing tributyrin and lactitol as nutribiotics resulted in lower histamine levels in the jejunum and cecum, as well as longer jejunal villi and shallower cecal crypts.
Key Words: Butyric Acid, Intestinal Mucosa, Lactitol, Pigs
Husbandry practices, diet, and(or) various environmental stresses can greatly influence the well-being of animals. Antibiotics have been used to ameliorate such negative influences. Since the World Health Organization proposal in the last decade for a global reduction or elimination of antibiotics in animal feed, there has been renewed interest in exploring alternative growth enhancers. The results of the present study validate the efficacy of a combination of tributyrin and lactitol to facilitate the transition from milk to solid feed in the gastrointestinal tract of nursery pigs. These data also demonstrate that feeding this combination is more beneficial to swine than feeding either tributyrin or lactitol alone for enhancing the trophic status of the intestinal mucosa and reducing histamine levels in the gut.
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