Supplementation of tributyrin improves the growth and intestinal digestive and barrier functions in intrauterine growth-restricted piglets
作者:Li Dong a, Xiang Zhong a, Jintian He a, Lili Zhang a, Kaiwen Bai a, Wen Xu a, Tian Wanga, *,Xuexin Huang b
a College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095, People's Republic of China
b An You Biotechnology Company, Xin Gang Road, Tai Cang, Jiangsu 215435, People's Republic of China
来源:Clinical Nutrition xxx (2015) 1-9
DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.03.002
【方法】本实验选取16只IUGR(0.95±0.08kg)和8只NBW(正常体重,1.56±0.07)新生仔猪,实验分组如下,NBW或IUGR组仔猪:饲喂基础奶粉日粮;IT组仔猪:基础奶粉日粮+0.1%三丁酸甘油酯喂食IUGR仔猪。三组仔猪均于出生第七天断奶后开始饲喂上述奶粉日粮直至第21天,每组8只,雌雄各半。同时测量第0天,第7天,第10天,第14天,第17天和第20天的仔猪体重。 除此外,研究人员还分析了小肠中消化酶的活性,肠道形态,免疫球蛋白水平和IgG,FcRn和GPR41的基因表达。
【结果】实验结果显示,实验初期IUGR和IT组仔猪的体重相似,但到了第10天和第14天均低于NBW组仔猪。然而在第17天之后,与IUGR组相比,IT组仔猪的体重显著增加(P <0.05)。在第21天将这批仔猪处死(电击或颈静脉放血)。与NBW组仔猪相比,IUGR组仔猪的免疫器官,小肠和肠绒毛形态的发育受到一定的限制,大多数肠道消化酶的活性(P <0.05)以及回肠sIgA和IgG的水平显著降低(P <0.05),同时肠道粘膜内IgG和GPR41的表达量显著减少(P <0.05)。与IUGR组仔猪相比,IT组仔猪的脾脏和小肠发育得更好(P <0.05);肠绒毛形态得到了一定程度的改善,其表面积显著增加(P <0.05);消化酶的活性显著增强(P <0.05);同时IgG和GPR41 mRNA的表达量显著升高(P <0.05)。


图1:在哺乳期间补充TB的IUGR仔猪的体重。选择了8窝新生仔猪。从每窝中选择两只IUGR仔猪和一只正常体重小猪。7至21日龄,NBW和IUGR组的仔猪饲喂基础日粮,而IT组的仔猪(饲喂三丁酸甘油酯的IUGR仔猪)喂养基础乳日粮+0.1%三丁酸甘油酯,数据表示为平均值±SEM,n = 8。使用混合模型收集仔猪体重的数据,其中天(D),组(G)和D×G作为固定效应,仔猪作为随机效应。通过配对t检验分析任何两组之间的差异。实验初期,处理组随着时间增加差异不显著(P> 0.05)。NBW组仔猪效果显著(P <0.001);NBW组在三组仔猪中体重最高,IT组较低,IUGR组最低(P <0.01)(数据未显示)。同一天的影响显著(P <0.001);所有仔猪的体重随着年龄的增长而增加(数据未显示)。在第0,7,11和14天,IUGR和IT组的仔猪平均体重低于NBW组(P <0.05),然而,在第17天和第20天,与IUGR组相比,IT组仔猪体重显著增加(P <0.05),IT组仔猪体重更接近NBW组(P>0.05)。


图2:NBW,IUGR和IT组中仔猪的肠绒毛形态。通过电子显微镜扫描(S-3000N; Hitachi高科技公司)观察仔猪小肠(小肠中间部位)的绒毛形态(NBW:a和d; IUGR:b和e; IT:c和f)。与NBW(图2a)和IT(图2c)组相比,IUGR组(图2b)中SI(整个小肠的中间部位)的绒毛呈锯齿状并且更短。IUGR(图2e)组的SI中的绒毛倾向于被压缩和受损,而IT(图2f)和NBW(图2d)组小肠中的绒毛被整合并且发育良好。比例尺:a,b和c为500 mm; d,e和f为50 mm。NBW,正常体重; IUGR,胎儿宫内生长受限; IT,IUGR仔猪饲喂添加三丁酸甘油酯的牛奶日粮。



Background & aims: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) neonates suffer from growth restriction. Tributyrin (TB), a pro-drug of butyrate, can facilitate the growth of animals. This study was to investigate the effects of TB supplementation on the growth of IUGR neonatal piglets. Methods: Sixteen IUGR and 8 NBW (normal body weight) neonatal piglets were chosen, weaned at 7th day and fed basic milk diets (NBW and IUGR group) or the basic diets supplemented with 0.1% tributyrin (IT group, IUGR piglets fed with tributyrin) until day 21 (n ¼ 8). The body weights of the piglets on days 0, 7, 10, 14, 17, and 20 were measured. The digestive enzyme activity, intestinal morphology, immunoglobulin levels and gene expression of IgG, FcRn and GPR41 in the small intestines were analyzed. Results: The body weights of the piglets in the IUGR and IT group were similar, and both were lower than the NBW group on days 10 and 14. However, after day 17, the IT group exhibited improved (P < 0.05) body weights compared to that of the IUGR group. The piglets were sacrificed on day 21. Compared with the NBW piglets, IUGR impaired the development of immune organs and small intestines, impaired the intestinal villus morphology, decreased (P < 0.05) most of the tested intestinal digestive enzyme activities, decreased (P < 0.05) the ileal sIgA and IgG levels, and down-regulated (P < 0.05) the intestinal IgG and GPR41 expression. Piglets in the IT group exhibited a better-developed (P < 0.05) spleen and small intestines, improved intestinal villus morphology, increased (P < 0.05) intestinal villus surface areas, enhanced (P < 0.05) digestive enzyme activities, and up-regulated (P < 0.05) expression of IgG and GPR41 mRNA compared to those of the IUGR group. Conclusions: TB supplementation improves the growth and the intestinal digestive and barrier functions in IUGR piglets during the suckling period.
Keywords: Tributyrin; IUGR; Suckling period ;Small intestine; Piglets
In conclusion, TB supplementation during the suckling period facilitated body weight gain, improved the development of immune organs and small intestines, improved intestinal villus
morphology, increased the intestinal villus surface area and the intestinal digestive enzymes activity, increased the mucosal immunoglobulin levels, and up-regulated the gene expression of
IgG and GPR41 in the ileum of IUGR piglets. As the structure and physiology of the intestines are very similar between human and pig, IUGR neonatal piglets can also be a very good model for the
human research in the intestinal structure and function. Our study indicated a new method to treat IUGR shortly after birth through dietary supplementation with tributyrin during the suckling period. However, more researches are needed if we need toadapt this to human clinical nutrition.