Caprylic, capric and/or fumaric acids as antibiotic replacements in piglet feed
作者:Ewa Hanczakowska1 , Agata Szewczyk1 , Krzysztof Okoń 2
1Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science,National Research Institute of Animal Production, 32-083 Balice n. Kraków, Poland
2Department of Pathomorphology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Grzegórzecka 16, Kraków, Poland
来源:Ann. Anim. Sci., Vol. 11, No. 1 (2011) 115–124
翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦
表1:饲料混合物的组成和营养价值(g / kg)




表5:小肠食糜的微生物学(Log10CFU / 1g食糜)

The aim of the experiment was to compare the effect of dietary fumaric acid and fumaric acid mixed with caprylic or capric acid on performance and changes in the digestive system of piglets. The experiment was performed on 242 piglets (24 litters) from 7 to 84 days of age. Piglets were allocated to 4 groups with 6 litters per group. Group I (control) received standard feed mixture, group II received the same mixture supplemented with fumaric acid (15 g kg–1). Groups III and IV were fed the same diets as group II but they additionally received 2 g kg–1 of caprylic (group III) or capric acid (group IV). Body weight gains and feed consumption were measured, and apparent digestibility of nutrients was estimated. Microbiological and histological analyses were also performed in the small intestine. Piglets receiving fumaric and caprylic acids had significantly higher body weight gains (276 g) than those receiving fumaric and capric acids (251 g) and the control piglets (234 g). Duodenal contents of experimental piglets had lower pH compared to that of control piglets, but this difference was significant only for the fumaric and caprylic acid group. Mixture of fumaric and caprylic acids improved apparent protein and fibre digestibility but there were no significant differences between experimental groups. These acids also reduced piglet mortality. All acids significantly decreased the amount of Escherichia coli in the small intestinal digesta but fumaric acid was the most active. Fumaric acid also reduced the Clostridium population but to a lesser extent than E. coli. All acids affected the structure of jejunal epithelium. Villi in the experimental groups were higher and crypts deeper than those in control animals. It can be stated that the mixture of fumaric and caprylic acids significantly improves performance of piglets. This improvement may result from changes in acidity in the upper part of the digestive tract and from structural changes of the small intestinal mucosa.
Key words: piglet feeding, fumaric acid, caprylic acid, capric acid
Summing up the results of the present experiment, it is concluded that mixture of fumaric and caprylic acid significantly improves performance of weaning piglets. This improvement can be due to the changes in acidity in the upper part of the digestive tract and structural changes of the small intestinal mucosa.
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